TS CONCEPT - stairs & interior design for Luxemburg and the border region since 2008 We are a trading and service company for high quality stairs, interior design, built-in cabinets and sliding doors. We work for private customers, developers and architects from the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the nearby border region around Trier, Eifel and Moselle. Since 2008 we are there for our customers. We provide competent advice, develop individual and custom-made solutions and supervise all projects from the first meeting through to implementation. With great commitment and passion we pursue our highest goal: satisfied customers.
Grad. engineer wood technology (FH) Managing director / Company owner Sales staircases & railings
Telefon: (+352) 270 774-1 eMail: tino.schreier@ts-concept.lu
Grad. engineer architecture Carpenter Sales Interior Design Telefon: (+352) 270 774-1 eMail: pia.upahl@ts-concept.lu
Marketing Specialist (IHK) Administration & Marketing Manager
Telefon: (+352) 270 774-1 eMail: melanie.schreier@ts-concept.lu
Tino Schreier, cabinetmaker and graduate engineer in wood technology (FH), is the founder and managing director of TS CONCEPT. He has been an expert in staircases for more than 25 years and is passionate about advising customers and designing staircases. He attaches great importance to personalised support and high-quality products down to the last detail. Every project is a matter close to his heart and satisfied customers are his greatest motivation. Pia Upahl, a trained carpenter and graduate engineer in architecture, brings together a unique combination of craftsmanship and architectural expertise. She advises her customers warmly and professionally, creates customised concepts for interior design and implements them with individually manufactured built-in wardrobes and furniture. With a keen sense of interior design, she develops individual, functional and stylish solutions that perfectly reflect the space and the customer's wishes. Melanie Schreier is a trained industrial clerk, marketing specialist and PR consultant and is responsible for the administrative area at TS CONCEPT. She organises the office and accounts in the background and manages the advertising and marketing department. She is the contact person for media and press representatives. She has put her heart and soul into the company since it was founded and has been ensuring that the office and showroom run smoothly since 2011.
The company was founded in 2008 by Dipl.-Ing. Tino Schreier together with Romain Hilger from the company OST Fenster under the name OST Concept. After the complete takeover by Tino Schreier the company has been called TS CONCEPT Stairs & Interior Design Luxembourg since May 2020.
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